Historical Statistics of the USOne of the All UC Group’s most important achievements has been the nurturing of the Historical Statistics of the United States, Millennial Edition project. This was the quintessential interdisciplinary project, with more than 200 leading economists, historians, political scientists, sociologists, and scholars from other disciplines contributing to the endeavor to create America’s most important social science reference tool. The initial concept for the project grew out of the interactions of the Group’s members. During the project’s formative stage, the Group sponsored several conferences which helped define the shape and content of the final product and helped convince the scholarly and donor communities and prospective publishers that such a large undertaking was in fact possible.
Global Price and Income HistoryA Research Team Measuring prices, incomes, and economic well-being around the world before 1950. The site is managed by Leticia Arroyo Abad, Middlebury College and Peter H. Lindert, University of California Davis.
Africa InitiativeBeginning in 2009, the ALL-UC Group, in association with the Center for the Evolution of the Global Economy at UC-Davis launched an initiative to focus on the lessons of history for economic growth in what is now the poorest area of the world, Sub-Saharan Africa.
This initiative will organize speakers and events focused on the historical dimensions of Africa’s struggle for economic development. |