"One Hundred Flowers" ConferenceMay 2-3, 2014
Hotel Shattuck Plaza Berkeley, CA The One Hundred Flowers Conference Brings together scholars to discuss a wide variety of topics in economic history. If you are interested in attending or for more information please contact Lauren Thomas at [email protected] |
Workshop Program |
Day 1
“Does Compulsory Licensing Reduce Incentives to Invent? Evidence from German Patents after World War I” Presented by Petra Moser, Stanford & NBER “The Geography of Innovation: Patents in Early America” Presented by Elizabeth Perlman, Boston University “Hiding in Plain Sight: The Identification and (Humble) Origins of General Purpose Technologies” Presented by Daniel Gross, UC Berkeley “Confederate Deaths and the Development of the Postbellum American South” Presented by Tim Larsen, University of Colorado Bolder “Military Conflict and the Economic Rise of Urban Europe” Presented by Mark Dincecco, University of Michigan Ann Arbor Day 2 “Protecting the Borrower: An Experiment in Colonial India” Presented by Latika Chaudhary, Scripps College & Anand Swany, Williams College “Industrialization and Regional Inequality in Brazil, 1850-1950: The Anthropometric History Approach” Presented by Daniel Franken, UCLA “The Home Front: Rent control and the rapid wartime increase in home ownership” Presented by Daniel Fetter, Wellesley “Birds of Passage: Return Migration, Self-Selection and Immigration Quotas” Presented by Zachary Ward, University of Colorado Boulder “The Bracero Program and Individual Investment” Presented by Edward Kosack, University of Colorado Boulder “Capital Markets and Colonial Institutions in China” Presented by Wolfgand Keller, Hoover Institution & Univ. of Colorado Bolder & Carol Shiue, Hoover Institution & Univ. of Colorado Bolder Keller & Shiue's Slides (Newer) “Social Mobility and Revolution: The Impact of the Abolition of China’s Civil Service Exam System” Presented by Ying Bai, Hong Kong University & Ruixue Jia, UCSD “Did Democracy Give the U.S. an Edge in Primary Schooling?” Presented by Carole Shammas, USC “Race and Region: The Southern Character of Workplace Integration” Presented by Gavin Wright, Stanford |