Graduate Student Workshop 2018
Saturday, October 6, 2018
UC Berkeley
Chou Hall, Room N340/N344
Saturday, October 6, 2018
UC Berkeley
Chou Hall, Room N340/N344
Program of Events
8:45 AM Coffee, Fruit and Pastries
9:00 AM Introductions
9:10 AM “American Indian Reservation Boundaries and Land Characteristics”
Laura D. Taylor, University of Arizona
10:05 AM “Life Annuities and Adverse Selection: The Case of Early Modern Holland”
Mark Hup, UC Irvine
11:00 AM Break
11:30 AM “Housing Market Channels of Segregation”
Nicholas Li, UC Berkeley
12:25 PM Lunch
1:25 PM “The Legacy of Mass Population Removal: Lessons from Czechoslovakia’s Postwar Expulsions”
Patrick Testa, UC Irvine
2:20 PM “Loans For the Little Fellow:” Credit, Crisis and Recovery in the Great Depression
Sarah Quincy, UC Davis
3:15 PM Break
3:45 PM “Modernizing Business Practices in the Middle East and International Commercial Exhibitions (1882-1939)”
Semih Gokatalay, UC San Diego
4:40 PM “Wealth Dynamics and Inequality over the Long Run Pre-industrial Rural Japan 1694-1872”
Yuzuru Kumon, UC Davis
5:35 PM Wrap up, submit questions for dinner discussion.
6:00 PM Reception and Dinner
Berkeley Faculty Club, Heyns Room
Discussion of the job market process and strategies by the faculty.
9:00 AM Introductions
9:10 AM “American Indian Reservation Boundaries and Land Characteristics”
Laura D. Taylor, University of Arizona
10:05 AM “Life Annuities and Adverse Selection: The Case of Early Modern Holland”
Mark Hup, UC Irvine
11:00 AM Break
11:30 AM “Housing Market Channels of Segregation”
Nicholas Li, UC Berkeley
12:25 PM Lunch
1:25 PM “The Legacy of Mass Population Removal: Lessons from Czechoslovakia’s Postwar Expulsions”
Patrick Testa, UC Irvine
2:20 PM “Loans For the Little Fellow:” Credit, Crisis and Recovery in the Great Depression
Sarah Quincy, UC Davis
3:15 PM Break
3:45 PM “Modernizing Business Practices in the Middle East and International Commercial Exhibitions (1882-1939)”
Semih Gokatalay, UC San Diego
4:40 PM “Wealth Dynamics and Inequality over the Long Run Pre-industrial Rural Japan 1694-1872”
Yuzuru Kumon, UC Davis
5:35 PM Wrap up, submit questions for dinner discussion.
6:00 PM Reception and Dinner
Berkeley Faculty Club, Heyns Room
Discussion of the job market process and strategies by the faculty.