Dear All-UC Members
This forthcoming conference is mainly funded by the UC Davis Center for Poverty Research, but four of the nine papers are by people in economic history. The presenters thus are
Decoupling Schools and Neighborhoods: Safety, School Location, Social Ties, and Neighborhood Perception
Julia Burdick-Will, Johns Hopkins University
Title TBD
Katherine Eriksson, UC Davis
Title TBD
Paul Jargowsky, Rutgers University
Inequality and Place: Children's Neighborhood and School Contexts
Ann Owens, University of Southern California
Segregation and the Initial Provision of Water in the United States
John Parman, William and Mary
Title TBD
Maria Rendon, UC Irvine
Identifying Explanations for the Health Advantages and Disadvantages Experienced by Hispanics in the United States
Fernando Riosmena, University of Colorado Boulder
Blockbusting in Urban Neighborhoods and the Erosion of Black Wealth
Alison Shertzer, University of Pittsburgh
From Immigrants to Americans: Race and Assimilation during the Great Migration
Marco Tabellini, Harvard University
The conference will run from 8:40 am until dinner in the evening. We will be able to accommodate a limited number of people from the All-UC Economic History Group outside UC Davis.
If you would like to attend, please send Stephanie Ivory [email protected] an e-mail with the request by the end of Sunday, Oct 7, noting which nights you would need hotel accommodation.
For graduate students please indicate your department, year in graduate school, and gender (if you need hotel accommodation - graduate students share hotel rooms).
Also for graduate students note that we will have a poster session, if there is sufficient interest. If you would like to participate, and have a paper relevant to the theme, please also send the title of your paper and the abstract.
If the number of potential attendees exceeds our funding capacity, I will use some random process to choose participants.
If there is any more information about the event you need, please contact me at [email protected].
This forthcoming conference is mainly funded by the UC Davis Center for Poverty Research, but four of the nine papers are by people in economic history. The presenters thus are
Decoupling Schools and Neighborhoods: Safety, School Location, Social Ties, and Neighborhood Perception
Julia Burdick-Will, Johns Hopkins University
Title TBD
Katherine Eriksson, UC Davis
Title TBD
Paul Jargowsky, Rutgers University
Inequality and Place: Children's Neighborhood and School Contexts
Ann Owens, University of Southern California
Segregation and the Initial Provision of Water in the United States
John Parman, William and Mary
Title TBD
Maria Rendon, UC Irvine
Identifying Explanations for the Health Advantages and Disadvantages Experienced by Hispanics in the United States
Fernando Riosmena, University of Colorado Boulder
Blockbusting in Urban Neighborhoods and the Erosion of Black Wealth
Alison Shertzer, University of Pittsburgh
From Immigrants to Americans: Race and Assimilation during the Great Migration
Marco Tabellini, Harvard University
The conference will run from 8:40 am until dinner in the evening. We will be able to accommodate a limited number of people from the All-UC Economic History Group outside UC Davis.
If you would like to attend, please send Stephanie Ivory [email protected] an e-mail with the request by the end of Sunday, Oct 7, noting which nights you would need hotel accommodation.
For graduate students please indicate your department, year in graduate school, and gender (if you need hotel accommodation - graduate students share hotel rooms).
Also for graduate students note that we will have a poster session, if there is sufficient interest. If you would like to participate, and have a paper relevant to the theme, please also send the title of your paper and the abstract.
If the number of potential attendees exceeds our funding capacity, I will use some random process to choose participants.
If there is any more information about the event you need, please contact me at [email protected].